How does one’s knowledge affect one’s loss of innocence? TKAM

How does one’s knowledge affect one’s loss of innocence? Well, the more knowledge you have the less innocence you have since Scout for example, has no knowledge of what some things are like rape which makes her very innocence since she knows nothing about the bad stuff. In the story, it tells us,”Which reminded me that I had a question to ask Atticus. “What’s rape?” I asked him that night…. “Well if that’s all it is why did Calpurnia dry me up when I asked her what it was?”(180-181). The second sentence shows us that Scout doesn’t really understand it since she still doesn’t know why Calpurnia dry her up. Another quote of her innocence of her lack of knowledge is,”A n-lover. I ain’t very sure what it means, but the way Francis said it-tell you one thing…”(114). This shows her innocence a lot since she lacks a lot of knowledge about the terrible stuff in the world. Finally, another quote from the story is,”Uncle Jack?… What’s a w-lady? Uncle Jack plunged into another long tale about an old Prime Minister who … I guess he was trying to answer my question, but he made no sense whatsoever”(115). Clearly, this shows that one’s knowledge affects one’s loss of innocence since Scout’s knowledge is low which makes her innocence high. Babies for example, is a good example since babies knows literally almost nothing in this world which tells us that babies have very little knowledge. Also some adults for example knows a lot about this world and knows what a lot of stuff is which tells us their knowledge is high. The difference between them is of course their knowledge and their innocence and when you compare them to each other, you can find that the more knowledge you have, the less innocence you will have since you have lost your innocence.

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