Chapter 29: The Unexpected Neighbor who saved Scout and Jem.

Atticus kept asking about Mr. Bob Ewell and Mr. Tate said that he won’t hurt these children again and that he is dead. Atticus’s age began to show by his strong line of his jaw now melted into creases. Aunt Alexandra began to say it was her fault, but Mr. Tate told her,”You go ahead, Miss Alexandra, I know it’s been a shock to you. And don’t you fret yourself about anything- why, if we followed our feelings all the time we’d be like cats chasin’ their tails”(359). This quote is a simile from Mr. Tate. Miss Alexandra went with Atticus and told him,”Atticus, I had a feeling about this to night-I-this is my fault”(359). This quote shows that their aunt cares for them a lot. Scout then explained that she thought Cecil Jacobs were behind them, since he scared them once already that night, and she called out “Cecil Jacobs is a big fat hen”.

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Then she said she said hello very loudly. Atticus didn’t hear them since he had the radio on and Aunt Alexandra had hers going in her bedroom. Then she explained her costume of a ham with a shiny paint on her costume. When Mr. Tate looked at her costume, he realized that Scout had lived because of her costume which had a wire that blocked the knife.

Image result for scout ham costume


Scout then said she was under a tree and she said that the floor is cooler which means they were under a tree and that someone grabbed her costume which later on, Jem hollered with pain, and Mr. Ewell was yanked down. Mr. Tate then sharply asked to continue in which Scout said that someone was staggering, panting, and coughing.Then Scout pointed to someone to a man in the corner and realized that pointing was rude and stopped. The man had sickly white hands. “His face was as white as his hands, but for a shadow on his jutting chin. His cheeks were thin to hollowness; his mouth was wide; there were shallow, almost delicate indentations at his temples, and his gray eyes were so colorless I thought he was blind. His hair was dead and thin, almost feathery on top of his head… His lips parted into a timid smile, and our neighbor’s image blurred with my sudden tears. “Hey, Boo,”I said”(362), This quote is a simile that shows that Boo Radley is old and he is the neighbor that saved him. This shows that heroes can be any age, any gender, and etc. The theme of chapter is that heroes can be anybody since Boo Radley, an old man, saved them which shows that even old people can be heroes.

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