Chapter 15 Recap: The girl who stopped a Mob using Words

Dill settled in with the Finches after he wrote a long letter and a lot of pleading on the telephone calls with Dill’s mother. One evening, Dill made a plan about Boo,”.. Dill had it upon a foolproof plan to make Boo Radley come out at no cost to ourselves (place a trail of lemon drops from the back door to the front yard and he’s follow it, like an ant)”(193). This is what Dill’s plan is which is also a simile since Boo Radley is being compared to an ant.

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During the same time, there was a knock outside the door with some grown men outside and Atticus called the kids to stay inside, but they still came out. The crowd was telling Atticus that they will be moving him to the county jail tomorrow and the trial will probably be on Monday. Mr. Link Deas said,”You’ve got everything to lose from this, Atticus. I mean everything”(195). This shows that he is to discourage him and to persuade him since the defendant is black and the town has a lot of racism. Jem then interrupted them by saying the phone was ringing which caused the crowd to laugh and then Atticus told him to turn the light on which is a disgrace for them if the lights are not on.

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On Sunday, Scout heard Atticus saying that Tom Robinson was moved to the Maycomb jail. Scout and Jem played football because they can’t shoot on Sundays. That night, Scout, Jem, and Dills sneaked out of the house at 10 o’ clock to see Atticus in his office. When they got there, he could see Atticus in his office with a mob outside of his office. The mob wanted to get Tom Robinson for some reason. When Atticus was possibly about to get jumped, Scout ran towards Atticus and Atticus’s eyes turned into a flash of fear. Atticus and Jem had a little arguement of telling each other to go home and Jem refused. One of the guy grabbed and lifted up Jem by the collar and Scout kicked the guy and he fell back in real pain. Scout started to talk to Mr. Cunningham about his son, him giving them hickory nuts, and asking his son to tell him hi.

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After, she started talking about his entailments saying that,”Entailments are bad” which caused everybody to stare at Scout with fascination and some had their mouths half-open. Mr. Cunningham then said,”I’ll tell him you said hey, little lady,” he said, Then he straightened up and waved a big paw. “Let’s clear out,” he called,”Let’s get going, boys.” (206). This quote is very important because this shows that Scout got Mr. Cunningham in Atticus’s position causing Mr. Cunningham to have everyone to leave in peace which is the main objective of this chapter. The theme of the chapter is that you can end mobs and groups peacefully  by using words to make the other person to be in their place or shoes since Scout made Mr. Cunningham to stand in Atticus’s place for a second and he made the mob to end peacefully.


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