Chapter 3 : Walter For Lunch

After they get outside for lunch, Scout throws Walter on the floor and rubs his head on the dirt. Jem comes into the fight and tries to stop Scout, but just keeps saying that Walter made Miss Caroline start school “on the wrong foot.”


Jem stops the fight and tells Walter that he can join them for lunch. Walter goes with Jem and Scout to their house. Atticus is pleased by Walter’s visit. Atticus and Walter talk about farming like “two real men.” Walter asks for the syrup, and to Scout’s horror, he pours it all over his meat and vegetables. Scout then criticizes Walter, but then Calpurnia calls her into the kitchen and scolds her telling her that Walter is her guest. Back at school, Miss Caroline is terrified when she sees something poking out of Burris Ewell’s Head. Burris, a member of the Ewell clan, says that it is just a “cootie” or what we call it, lice, and that it is regular for people to have it. Burris Ewell only comes to school on the first day, and then leaves for the rest of the year, making rude remarks to cause the teacher to cry. Scout goes back home and talks with Atticus. Atticus asks her if something is wrong. Scout says that she doesn’t want to go to school anymore. Atticus says that she has to go to school, scout responds that the Ewells don’t need to go to school, but Atticus tells her that if they had to go, they wouldn’t make a living. Scout also says that if she keeps going to school, she wouldn’t be able to read with Atticus anymore. In the end, Atticus and Scout make a compromise, Atticus promises that they will read every night like they have been doing, and that Scout will promise to continue to go to school.




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