Character: Boo

Image result for mockingbirdArthur “Boo” Radley is a man who had lived a very isolated life before certain events have occurred throughout the novel. Boo Radley is a great symbol of goodness and innocence in the story but can be kind of creepy and strange. The fact that he left gifts for Jem and Scout in the knothole in the tree with them not knowing, can be kind of mysterious to them. The goodness comes when he ends up saving Jem and Scout while they were out in the forest, but was strange since he was waiting for it to happen so that he could go in and save them. As a symbol of innocence he can also me known as a “mockingbird” in the novel. This is shown because a mockingbird should notImage result for boo radley be killed since all it does is sing for us, no more, Boo does not merely give any negative impact on the children but is judged a different way before he had actually been exposed.

Boo Radley, known as a solitary townsperson, is prevented from being a good person which is restricted by his older brother when he would not allow Boo to befriend Jem and Scout. The impact on the theme that Boo shows is to be more open minded and respectful to people before judging them rather than being intolerant and ignorant.



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